Are you one of the 89% of the Licensee population who hasn’t lodged a breach report to ASIC?

Are you one of the 89% of the Licensee population who hasn’t lodged a breach report to ASIC?

ASIC’s Report 775 released on 31 October shows that only 11% of licensees have lodged a report. This is a surprisingly low number and suggests that some licensees may not have in place the systems and processes required to detect and report breaches. Do you?

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Royal Commission recommendations are due for implementation in 2021 - have you prepared?

Royal Commission recommendations are due for implementation in 2021 - have you prepared?

As part of the Royal Commission recommendations, there are a raft of changes coming our way, including independence declaration, the banning of advice fees inside MySuper products and the widening of reference checking processes industry wide. These changes will all require some level of action to accommodate, but there are two changes which we believe are most significant that licensees should start acting on now (if they haven’t already) which are the breach reporting and ongoing fee arrangement changes.

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