Joint submission to the Quality Advice Review

Joint submission to the Quality Advice Review

We welcome the opportunity to provide feedback on the Quality of Advice Proposals Paper published on the Treasury website 29 August 2022. As an overall comment, our three companies are committed supporters of a well-functioning financial advice industry and see the proposal as a significant step forward in terms of encouraging autonomy and professionalism in our industry.

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Mind the gap: Every Licensee has its compliance shortcomings

Mind the gap: Every Licensee has its compliance shortcomings

Over the past year, one of my clearest take outs from consulting to licensees and practices regarding compliance is that it’s almost never actually about “compliance”

Conrad Travers writes in Professional Planner

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Prepare for ASIC to focus on small end of town

Prepare for ASIC to focus on small end of town

Businesses need to plan for the fact that ASIC could come into their business. Explaining something away or saying “I haven’t done that sorry” no longer cuts it when you run a licensee. If they do come in, they are not going to worry about how you feel.

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