What do the Seven Deadly Sins have in common with the Advice Process?

We explore the common sins we see causing ineffective advice processes and what businesses should be focusing on.

😍 Lust: Wanting the latest technology
Technology should be the enabler – not the solution. If you have bad processes, you’ll have bad processes with new technology.

Pride: My processes don’t need fixing
Innovation doesn’t need to be big – small incremental changes can make a huge difference.

Envy: The grass is not always greener
Best practice might not be best practice for you. Take ownership and ensure processes are fit for purpose.

Greed: Chasing the short-term dollar
Watch out for false efficiencies (e.g. offshoring) and don’t have compliance as an afterthought.

Wrath: Toxic culture
Train your staff; give them permission to make mistakes but empower them to enact positive change. Ensure there’s ownership and accountability.

Gluttony: Complex, overworked processes
Death by checklist and over-processed environments create business risk; plan for the common scenarios rather than the exceptions.

Sloth: Lazy processes, poor client experiences
Apply a client experience lens to your process; don’t make clients undertake complex processes to make it easier for you.

We work with practices and AFSLs across Australia to help them optimise their processes and make their businesses more efficient. Make sure you’re advice process is ‘sin-free’ and get in touch with us today. You can book a 15 minute call with us by clicking here.


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