Voluntary Modern Slavery Statement
We are a value-driven business committed to respecting and supporting the dignity, well-being, and human rights of our employees, independent specialist consultants we may contract with and those who we engage with through our services.
Tangelo Advice Consulting (ABN 23 424 427 157) is not required by law to comply with Australia’s Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth), however we have chosen to display our Modern Slavery Statement on our website on a voluntary basis to demonstrate our commitment to the management of modern slavery risks, and the eradication of modern/all forms of slavery.
Tangelo Advice Consulting is a values driven business committed to respecting and supporting the dignity, well-being, and human rights of our employees, independent specialist consultants we may contract with and those who we engage with through our services.
It’s important to note that our Modern Slavery statement has not been submitted to the Australian Border Force.
What is modern slavery?
Modern slavery is a crime and a violation of fundamental human rights. It takes various forms, such as (but not limited to) slavery, servitude, forced and compulsory labour, and human trafficking (arranging or facilitating the travel or movement of a victim with a view to them being exploited). These practices (amongst others) deprive individuals of their liberty, in order to exploit them for personal or commercial gain.
Who this statement applies to
This statement describes how we will manage our risks and is applicable to anyone involved in our business, including employees, directors, contractors, service providers or any other representative of our business
Where it is identified that our service providers do not meet the expectations outlined in this statement, we may end our business relationship with them; where an employee does not comply, we may discipline or dismiss them.
Our commitment
Tangelo Advice Consulting is a specialist consulting firm for advice licensees and wealth businesses operating in Australia. We employ professionally qualified, highly skilled people on a permanent or contract basis. Our suppliers comprise of various service providers such as accounting, legal and IT Support.
Tangelo Advice Consulting is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all business dealings and to prevent modern slavery and human trafficking in our business or our supply chains. We have assessed our business as a no/low modern slavery risk. We will, however, remain vigilant to any risks we identify and take reasonable steps to ensure our business and supply chain is free of modern slavery practices.
We will take reasonable steps to ensure, to the best of our knowledge, none of our employees, directors, contractors, or service providers are involved with or have ever been convicted of any offence involving modern slavery or has not been the subject of any investigation, enquiry or enforcement proceedings by any Government agency or regulatory body regarding any offence or alleged offence of, or in connection with Modern Slavery.
Record Keeping
We will maintain adequate records of ongoing compliance with Modern Slavery laws as they relate to our employees, directors, contractors, service providers or any other representative of our business.
It is imperative that all employees, contractors, service providers or any other representatives of our business feel free and safe to come forward if they have reasonable grounds to suspect that there is evidence of unethical behaviours or a breach of laws and obligations relating to modern slavery or ethical sourcing.
If you have a reasonably held suspicion of modern slavery practices, discuss your concerns with our Operations Manager, Erin Menzies, on 0451 206 485 who will decide a course of action and provide any further advice.
If there is immediate danger call the police — don’t tackle a situation on your own as dangerous criminals can be behind modern slavery and human trafficking.
Keep your eyes and ears open—your awareness and actions may stop someone from being exploited or abused.
All reports/concerns will be investigated by Tangelo Advice Consulting in a timely basis. Appropriate corrective action will be taken transparently as warranted by the investigation.
Statement Updates
Any updates to this statement will be published on our website.