Industry Expertise, Unparalleled Service
We have deep experience and an unmatched passion for improving the value of our advice and finding practical solutions for our clients.

Tax deductibility advice ‘a step in the right direction’
With an Australian Tax Office (ATO) review underway to make financial advice tax deductible, Tangelo Advice Consulting’s Conrad Travers has reiterated why this would be a positive step forward for the industry.

Understanding the tax deductibility of advice fees
“The thing that’s exciting for me is that I think advisers are giving advice on taxation more than what they think. Most superannuation advice will be deductible,” Mr. Travers said.

‘Game changer’ ATO consultation on advice fees launched
Conrad Travers of Tangelo Advice Consulting has been working with the FPA to campaign for expanding tax deductions for financial advice fees. “We believe there is a strong case under both 8-1 and 25-5 for all financial planning fees to be deductible,” Travers says. “We believe that in our current environment, around 75 per cent of the strategies an adviser recommends have a tax component to them.” Travers says the firm looks forward to a potential win for advisers and their clients.

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