Help me integrate compliance properly so I can save time

We supported a small self-licensed practice integrate compliance into their advice process to get them into a stronger and ‘safer’ position.

The challenge

With over $1 million in revenue, this licensee had an unblemished record of client satisfaction. Although having in-depth conversations with their clients and always delivering successful results were their strong suites, their inconsistent approach to compliance and providing advice and time management stood in the way of further improvements.

What we did

We reviewed the existing compliance manual and recommended that we start from scratch as it was so far out of date and didn’t reflect how they were running their business. We developed an “advice manual” which was practical, customised and completely up to date with current regulations. As part of this we identified two specific risk issues the Practice Principal was not aware of, that were rectified before they became bigger issues.

The outcome

The licensee was ecstatic with the service, the training and the final output and is now in a fundamentally stronger (and safer) position. We are now looking to rewrite their licensee manual and continue to offer support as needed as “part of the team”.

Are you meeting your compliance obligations?
Is your AFSL or practice
operating efficiently?

Our free health check gives you insights and a baseline assessment of your compliance and operational gaps.

Questions? Book a call with us and let’s talk


AFSL: Help us with the overwhelm


ADVICE PRACTICE: “I need technology to solve inefficiencies…I think?"