Australian Financial Services Licensees (AFSL)

ask us about our new policy manuals


ask us about our new policy manuals 〰️

Advice, compliance & governance support for AFSLs

Gap Analysis & Action Plan

Understand the gaps and find opportunities across your business. We assess your operating model with a focus on People, Policy, Process and Governance so you can minimise your risks while driving efficiencies and reducing costs.

After our analysis you get a detailed and practical Action Plan, walking you through quick wins as well as longer term strategic opportunities.

Ongoing advice, compliance & governance support

Simplify compliance and drive efficiencies with Tangelo as your trusted partner. We work to support you meet your AFSL compliance obligations.

  • Policy and guideline solutions - our two invaluable resources for advice businesses: an AFSL Obligations Manual and an Advice Professional Standards Manual help bring your advice process and AFSL obligations to life

  • Licensee services - we help you deliver services to your advisers. For example, use our Processwise service to deliver support to refine and develop advice process, and make your practices more efficient

  • Customised support giving you access to Tangelo’s expertise to drive efficiency and get results in your day-to-day operations with our Partnership Program

  • Help when you need it, with our Helpdesk service - Tangelo Assist.

Advice, compliance & governance support as you need it

Change can be hard, and we understand you may not necessarily have the specific expertise or the time and resourcing to do all the work.

Our team has the advice and compliance expertise you need, to support you through:

  • Regulatory change response

  • Policy design and review

  • Licensee frameworks - for example monitoring and supervision, incidents and reportable situations, IDR/complaints

  • Project and program management

  • Tender/RFP/Outsourced solutions management

  • Change management and training programs, professional development frameworks

  • Intrafund advice strategy consulting

  • Overflow support - we step in to bolster your team when you are at capacity.

Are you meeting your compliance obligations?
Is your AFSL or practice
operating efficiently?

Our free health check gives you insights and a baseline assessment of your compliance and operational gaps.

Case study: How we help AFSLs

AFSL Compliance case study

“Help us to simplify compliance”

A mid-tier licensee who was not sure where to start received a simplified compliance approach, 40% improved paraplanning turnaround and an uptick in adviser engagement.

The challenge

A great mid-tier licensee with around 80 advisers was struggling.  Their compliance manual was out of date and full of legal jargon so no one was reading it. Advisers were confused about Best Interest requirements, and paraplanning turnaround times had blown out to 25 days, frustrating advisers and creating customer service issues.

Why partner with Tangelo?

We’re experienced

Our consultants have over 70 years combined advice experience

We focus on the execution

We are focused, practical and results driven with proven execution ability

We think next level

We develop bespoke, innovative solutions that meet your needs

We’re trusted

We work to a high standard
and always offer you an
independent view

Questions? Book a call with us and let’s talk


Financial Advice Practices


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